To create healing now we must be in this presence to embody our past in order to move through it...
This awareness of now is the key to release, the key to peace and moving away from a life lived in the past or for the future. So what does that truly mean, being in the now, living for today, or staying fully present?
Being present isn't just about being aware of where you are physically, although that is a factor. A main secret to it's mastery is in the embodiment of being in the now emotionally as well. So what does that mean? It means being beyond the emotions, knowing that they are but passing states caused by events in the past or future oncoming events we are focusing on. The release of this pent up storage of feeling puts you beyond hurt or worry, to a place where it is easy to see that everything will work out in the right and perfect way. We will see things as Thom Yorke from Radiohead put it with, "everything in its right place."
So just as I have been bringing back in over and over in these posts, a major part of emotional presence lies in embracing or acknowledging these feelings or emotions so that they can be let go of. This isn't just referring to the negative feelings either, for good must be released as well. When we let go of them we do not enter into some emotionless state though, if that is where your thoughts were taking you. No, rather the opposite takes place really. We go into a hyper-emotive state where we can more objectively see others emotions clearly as well as understand our own motivations for our feelings as well.
It's like stepping back and pulling the wool off of our emotional eyes so that we can understand all the "Whys" to our emotive experiences.
It gives us a clear picture of who we are without all of our emotional baggage that everyone gets buried under whether through suppression or from over expression. Remember, suppression of emotions doesn't make them go away, they only fester and well up.
So let me give you a shovel so you can start to dig yourself out of this emotional grave...
An easy mental exercise to help you identify these aberrant emotions we are working to be beyond lies in seeing the emotions as detached from your highest self. So how do we check in with this true self, with our "silent witness," as Deepak Chopra would call it?
Taking about ten minutes each day on your own to do this visualization will help to become more aware of yourself and your emotional states so that you can work to transcend.
Now follow along and visualize this to yourself, picture it in your mind, as you read along with me. First take a deep, full breath in, all the way down to your belly and let it out slowly now, and spend a few moments just focusing on your breath as it comes in and out slowly and calmly. Now picture the sky up above you with the bright sun high up overhead. Feel the warmth of the sun on your face as you continue to take deep full centering breaths calming and relaxing you now as you bask in the light of the sun. Just be still in this moment. Now as you are quiet and still notice as thoughts about your day, worries about deadlines or any of life's difficulties just spill out into your stillness, almost as though you are holding back a levee of thoughts and its slowly seeping out. Now see in your mind these repetitive thoughts, some negative, some not, these thoughts you have about who you are and what you are, how you feel and what you think of your surroundings. You know those thoughts that play like a tape recording throughout your day. Watch now as the thoughts transform in your mind into clouds as they fill up the sky and block the warmth from the sun. So now picture yourself safely rising up into the sky through those clouds of busy and negatively patterned thoughts.
Realize that as you are coming out of the cloud cover up back into the brilliance and warmth of the sun that you are moving beyond these limiting thoughts back to the you that is eternal. You are transcending to the witness, that infinite part of you that is not attached to any emotions or preconceived notions of what the world is like. It is being in that childlike innocence. This is where you are now. See the clouds below you now as they drift past and feel the powerful connection from the warmth of the sun revitalizing your true self. Know that you are beyond your emotions. Now slowly bring yourself back into this space, the room you are in feeling comfortable and relaxed in your body, knowing in a deep place that you are better for this, and it is so.
Being beyond is its own state of perception, apart from our normal waking consciousness for the simple yet deeply significant fact that we become self aware and fully conscious in a metaphysically open state.
In other words, there is nothing binding us to our ego. This is the hyper-conscious state that athletes describe when they are having their best performance or game and are in the flow state where everything seems effortless.
Keep practicing with the visualization and comment below on how it is helping you move to the timelessness of now.
Light for your path
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