Friday, May 29, 2015

Mirroring our truths out in all directions

What are we but mirrors...

If it is indeed true what science as well as the quantum gurus of our time have come to recognize and indemnify, then we are indeed mirrors of the reality around us under the assertion of the idea that this is definitely a holographic universe. 

A hologram is a three dimensional projection coming from a specially designed plate with light being sent through it.  The essence of this is that the holographic plate is a mirror of the whole in both directions from the micro to the macro extending out in fractal patterns. This is saying that in every piece of this echo of reality therein contains all aspects of itself.

So how does this fit into our mirror?

Our perception is looking out at this mirror of infinity only to see itself, so then the bigger question is, "How then do we not all see ourselves as this infinite, beautiful, magnificent perfection?"

This calls into the idea that our mirrors we are shining out to reflect back are dirty and blemished by our experiences and thoughts and views on the world.  This causes us to see just that, a world sullied and damaged by our own perceptions.  The clarity of the whole is marred by our picture of it.  Our perception, as the buddha said, is our reality.  So our reality is, in effect, as though we are looking through a shattered splintered mirror of ourselves.  What we are seeing is this vision of who we perceive ourselves to be as we project that system of judgments on someone else, someone outside of ourselves.

So everyone we see and interact with is never seen as they are truly, they are merely seen as we are and judged accordingly. 

We are our worst critic whether we admit it or not.  Take a second to recall your past session of self talk.  Were you encouraging yourself or berating yourself for doing something that made you upset or experience difficulty?  Now think back to the last time you said something positive to yourself, not just pride for an accomplishment, but expressing gratitude for efforts or just a happy sense of well-being about who you are as a person.  Most of us really have to search for such a moment if we can indeed find one at all.

So how do we shine up our mirror so it can show all that there is?

An often difficult first step to this goal lies in cleaning out our inner potty mouths.  We almost have to think of it like washing our mental mouths out with soap.  The negative thought we have form our negative words and this spiral extends outward as it affects each person we interact with and so on and so forth.  These words repeated enough form our actions which is what people base our character and personality on. 

It is not that we are what we have said or done, it is that our actions reflect out to the world our true nature.

So let's clean up those dirty mental mouths...

An easy but arduous task to accomplishing this soaping of our mind is a simple method called noticing.  Noticing involves just that, noticing or focusing on our internal monologue as it is happening by creating a conscious effort to pay attention to it.  Building this awareness of your own mental process will help you to free your thought patterns of the same negative degrading thoughts. 

The trick to making it work and not getting drawn into the thought patterns themselves involves two aspects, intention and detachment. 

For it to be effective one must strive to see it in an objective or detached way, to just see the thoughts as things and nothing more.  The intentional aspect of it comes before, when you decide on how you will do it.  Creating an intention to do it sets your ego mind up to be ready to be observed.  Once you have this intention in place being able to separate yourself from your mental chatter and your tape of thoughts you play over and over again will be just that much easier.

Realize that you are not your thoughts, and that you are not your feelings attached to them.

You are but the observer in this reality, just looking at the moving pictures as they dance by as shadow's in Plato's "Allegory of the Cave."  Step back from the chains in the cave and realize they are but illusions to soil your mirror.

Realize that the mirror points out of the top of the cave, to the stars shining so brilliantly in the sky.

Let's go for a walk now, out of our caves...

Light for your path...

Just be.
by Tara Shaffer

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