Thursday, January 26, 2023

Ascenzion into now

Ascending the staircase of Self from self can be an arduous journey if you are not prepared to leave everything behind as you move up the stairs...

Remember, it only seems like an escalator. You must walk up each step to understand it fully to know the key.

At each level something is left behind, while something even more expansive is gained. We grow as we loosen and let go of the fetters that we have held as our chains binding us to our 
traumas, fears, pains, sadnesses, successes, joys, and pride. 

We hold all of the keys to knowing our highest selves at each moment. We came here with all the answers to every question we can possibly have engrained and embedded in the patterns of our Self. 

We have simply chosen to forget over and over, to renew the "new" with each lifetime, strengthening our actualization the more we resonate our field and interconnect back consciously with the infinite now vibration that we are. As we notice the wave of presence out of the corner of our minds' eye, constantly creating this moment at the edge of our experience, we are shown our divinity in each breath, at every glance. Our infinite presence ignited on the inhale, expressed in the outbreath as action, being here, now. 

So where do the stairs ascend from?

It begins in the self, with the little s. This is our shield of being, our ego, or the culmination of our accumulated aspects of self imprinted through culture, religion, family stress, ancestral patterns, fears, doubts, traumas, etc. All of those pieces form our armor to reality and to all of our relations and relationships we engage with and embody.

Suffering, or the indulgence of pain or attachment, is when we choose to deny the infinite nature of love that we hold as our natural state. We hold our infinite grudges of indulgence against ourselves as a prison of suffering and we attach our self to the adversity, we allow it to sink our selves into the pits of the dregs of materialism seeing the trees, but not the forest. 

These blockages and internal grudges keep us from expressing our divinity to others and keep us chained to our material reality and to the mirror world of emotions, egos and our culturally created selves, or our collective unconscious morphogenic field of humanity. 

Why do we allow or even encourage these terrible hindrances in our lives to persist, grow and control us?

Ignorance to the limitations on our now reinforce the steel of the prison bars.

At some point the bars of the prison imbed into our bones and we serve the master of the prison, our self, with the little s.

The illusion is the puzzle of now, and it is always beckoning us to transform, to evolve, to make our way back to source, our origin, the origin of All.

The idea of a prison isn't to be frightening, it is to explain the point that we decide the story. We can be our prison guard, or our liberator, the choice always begins within. 

Our narrative is based on the agreements we hold with reality and how we hold it as it holds us.

Our dissection of self to Self to source is an arduous journey that never ends. We are the eternal gardners of our minds. Our garden will be filled with flowers or weeds based on our perceptions. It may be barren or over abundant, all begins with mind.

Who we let guide the ride helps us to determine our destination...

Who guides your ride?

All is one. 

All comes from source, therefore all is source.

As we realize this, transcending levels becomes easier and easier.

Allow your best now.

This is it.

#koansofbrien #justbe #heartfulness #nowfulness #nowherebe #allisone