Open to the infinite...
Take a deep breath,
Let yourself seep into the boundless,
the timeless,
What is beyond now if now is all there is?
Inner alchemy is transmutation of fear to love,
of the timebound to the timeless...
Realizing the complete release of blockages can induce panic if you aren't ready to be vulnerable or freed.
Do you want freedom?
Then come with me...
Step away from your body with your heart out...
So many of us wear our chains like badges of honor, holding them and using them as crutches.
Stepping away from crutches is a terrifying experience when the hobbling world has become
all you know.
Complexity grows exponentially when we step off the path,
with layers upon layers flowing outward in ripples
from those core events that started the issues and problems
we agreed to work through before our incarnation in these physical prisons...
Will the lessons be learned?
Can we be introspective enough to transcend
this beautiful facade we call reality?
What will we transcend to?
Can we even handle the truth and promise of infinity?
See yourself releasing what you think you know,
so you can experience what you feel that you know is real...
Just be.