Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Grateful for it ALL?!?! Yes, it ALL.

Real gratitude is unconditional acceptance, which is true unconditional love. 

It is grace for being in every way that you are. It is the grace and compassion you reflect out to everyone else being accepted and embodied within you.

It is seeing the ALL in each person or event, and allowing the infinite potential to radiate through your perception. To allow part in whole is to see the forest and the trees, the crystals and the bees, and to know they each are infinitely significant. 

Every bug, every plant, every rock affects our dimensional spectrum of reality as the spectrum also affects it.

So grateful for the terrible as well as the transcendent, for each reveals another piece in our eternal puzzle of now that we breathe through with each step towards our goal of full embodiment of the light. 

Unconditional gratitude frees our now completely from the trappings and indulgences of ego. 

The physical illusions blind us to the whole of what is and bind us to our shame and fears and doubts and sadness as much as to our love, joys, and compassion. The ALL is beyond those limitations, it is the field where all is contained, it is the entirety of now, each instant experiencing itself through us.

How do we free up our whole gratitude??

How do we make peace with our now to access it's infinite power/potential?

We must unpack ourselves until our suitcases are empty, drain out the limits and extents of our mental potentials like a faucet, to rebuild our selves with the Self.

The little s self, or ego, is always searching for the big S Self, or infinite soul, that point of oneness and complete understanding of the All. It finds it and attempts to consume it with repetition, absorption, adaptations, always reaching for that first hit of eternity, that glimpse which fades endlessly...

The key is where we find it, and it is everywhere.

That core, new car smell is so much more than that. It is the transcendental object at the end of time, waiting for us to notice that it was always there, the cosmic joke you have to open your eye to see.

Why do we always talk around it, instead of just saying God? Maybe the word changes the meaning in our souls, and almost dirties it with our cultural self. It loses is luminosity with a clear label... 

Maybe we can't process it if it is said directly, for then we don't "discover" it for ourselves and all learning is self-instruction.

We engage in the lifelong search only to find the glasses were always on our head.

Open your mind. Allow infinite gratitude for your life, in all of its parts, the shiny, and the shit. Embrace your wholeness with infinite compassion and watch the petals of your inner mystery unfurl. You deserve it.

This is all we have.

All is mind. 

Just be and allow your life to glow.


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