Friday, March 29, 2019

Rekindling our light

As the fires of spring's rebirth settle and the gloss begins to fade, renew your drive, renew your faith.

Steel yourself to the rhythm of your soul, allow yourself to unfurl even further, for growth is a never ending process, unfurling with each breath. 

Do we decide to take another?  Or do we decide to have one just like the last one?  Will we change it?  Do we hold it?  Or do we just let it go? Can we find our pattern, our soul song? 

Your breath transports you to life with each inhalation, each pulling in of prana or chi, the universal energy in all things, beyond our limitations, to the field where all is one and there is no distinction between our imposed constructs and the eternal. 

It is here where we truly "choose our own adventure" and allow our reality to reflect our inner world by influencing our inner world and intentions.  This comes as we allow our inspiration, harnessing each breath, each moment.

The limitless now has all things at its disposal.

Here all of the components and tools to enlightenment coalesce into our life through awareness and acceptance of the infinite.

What does it mean to accept infinity?

Can we even grok what that means?  The infinite has no end, and therefore no beginning, just a pulsation of the two moving with rhythm as the breath.

Inhale reality...


Exhale reality...

Allow the flow.

Find your peace between the words in the blank space holding your universe in its echo...

Breathe in the words with your heart.

Accept light with dark, know that all is one.

Does growth have to hurt?

Can we find solace in the dismal?

The symphony amidst the screaming silence?

Loving our shadows with gratitude and compassion, our breath allows us to take it in, acknowledge it, then accepting and allowing the let go...

Breath in Now.

Take in transformation...

Exhale out Now.

Allow transmutation...

And so it is.

Just be.