Saturday, December 25, 2021

Re-emergence of Our Light

Out beyond the fears, the beliefs, the love, the gratitude, there lies a field of the infinite potentialities contained across all dimensions of space and time coalescing effortlessly endlessly...

Let's go there now.

Open to the balance of each instant, contained here and now in each breath. Just take a moment. This is all we have.

Endless momentum drives our now, in a multiverse of mind, all things are always on the table, in every direction we are supported and surrounded by our every agreement and decision, with each breath.

This one vibe we ride communes with the eternal we are forever immersed in.  Breathe in the now, allow your reality to continue to unfold just as you wish. Every wish a dream, every worry a nightmare, amplified eternally with each thought, each mental construct as real as you imagine it and let it materialize.

It is all imagination, reality is an opinion agreed upon with every love, belief and fear. Prisons or heavens agreed upon between you and the you-niverse with each breath and every thought. You hold the keys to the gates of eternity as well as to the cell in which you sit. It all comes down to your programming and what you accept as your perception.

"Perception is reality."  -Buddha

The limits are those which you have agreed to as well, or they would not exist.

What walls and prisons hold you back from your most eternal Self?  What patterns in your life have become labyrinths you have conveniently lost your way in?

Accommodation by the you-niverse is almost instant when you steel your intentions, in good ways and bad. Be careful what you wish for, for it wishes for you as well. Many masters, many paths, all from source, for all is source. Just as when identifying different parts of the elephant (source), be mindful of which part you are touching and worshipping, for it poops just as we do.

The elephant in the room is the room, for it is always around us and is never apart from us. Take another breath of it, right now. It is it, the All, every answer, every question, every possibility, all the infinities all in this instant, at the cusp of creation, our creation. The field is all around us as well as is us. 

We are oneness with each breath, in and out. 

Yet we only notice this eternity when we let down our walls and our constructs of physicality that define our now with our agreements to see beyond what we think reality is. Our limits exist in our mind, the boundaries taught from birth and before through our genetics.

The more that we cultivate the Self and harness our infinite nature, the faster we will evolve to our highest spiritual potential in this version of the eternal that we have chosen to play in this lifetime.  Every thought, every feeling, every belief creating a source-filled field for us to embody and co-create as we give the universe directions to manifest.

Gratitude for every single participant in the multiverse of infinite oneness stretching out across all dimensions of space and time collating our most perfect now into presence.  

Catalyze your spiral.

Become the light that you are.

Just be.

-Brien Egan

#koansofbrien #justbe #eternalmoment #perceptionisreality #becomelight #ascenzionmagickschool 


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